trigeminal ganglion

^ http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/UBERON_0001675

The cranial ganglion that is associated with and extends fibers into the trigeminal nerve. [ https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/693 http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK53171 ]

Synonyms: 5th ganglion, semilunar ganglion, trigeminal V ganglion, fifth ganglion, Gasserian ganglion, ganglion of trigeminal complex

Term info

database cross reference
  • EFO:0000903
  • MESH:D012668
  • ZFA:0000295
  • NCIT:C62642
  • EHDAA:2113
  • SCTID:244449009
  • GAID:725
  • EMAPA:16797
  • TAO:0000295
  • XAO:0000428
  • BTO:0001231
  • UMLS:C0040995 (ncithesaurus:Trigeminal_Ganglion)
  • BAMS:5Gn
  • XAO:0000427
  • Wikipedia:Trigeminal_ganglion
  • VHOG:0000694
  • FMA:52618
  • EHDAA2:0002085
  • MA:0001080
  • AAO:0011107
  • neuronames:1402
  • MAT:0000511

uberon_slim, efo_slim, pheno_slim, vertebrate_core

UBPROP 0000001

A prominent collection of touch-sensory neurons of the trigeminal or fifth cranial nerve, positioned beside the brain between the eye and the ear. Kimmel et al, 1995.[TAO]

UBPROP 0000008

In Xenopus, the profundal and the trigeminal ganglia are separate distally but fused at their proximal end as they condense around NF stage 24.


https://github.com/ANiknejad, https://github.com/cmungall, https://github.com/mellybelly

depicted by


editor note

consider renaming this 'trigeminal ganglion complex'. The complex may be fused (amniotes) partially fused (xenopus) or separate (sharks)

has related synonym

trigeminal ganglia, Gasser's ganglion, ganglion of trigeminal nerve, Gasserian ganglia, ganglion trigeminale, trigeminus ganglion, ganglion semilunare, gV

has narrow synonym

fused trigeminal ganglion




Trigeminal ganglion