semicircular canal

^ http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/UBERON_0001840

One of three half-circular, interconnected tubes located inside each ear[WP]. [ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semicircular_canal ]

Synonyms: semicircular canals

Term info

database cross reference
  • NCIT:C33527
  • UMLS:C0036622 (ncithesaurus:Semicircular_Canal)
  • VHOG:0001144
  • FMA:60186
  • GAID:776
  • MESH:D012665
  • MA:0000249
  • CALOHA:TS-2164
  • AAO:0011098
  • EV:0100365
  • SCTID:279757004
  • Wikipedia:Semicircular_canal
  • BTO:0003383
  • ZFA:0000431
  • TAO:0000431
  • EMAPA:32832
  • XAO:0000198

uberon_slim, pheno_slim, vertebrate_core

plural term
ductus semicirculares [ FMA:TA FMA:71880 BTO:0003383 ]

plural term
semicircular canals [ TAO:0000431 ]

plural term
semicircular ducts [ XAO:0000198 ]

UBPROP 0000001

Fluid-filled toroidal spaces, arranged orthogonally to each other in the ear, that detect angular accelerations. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for semicircular canals by T. Whitfield.)[TAO]

UBPROP 0000003

In gnathostomes, each membranous labyrinth has three semicircular ducts that connect with a chamber known as the utriculus. These ducts are sometimes called canals, but technically the term semicircular canal applies to the spaces in the osseus labyrinth in which the semicircular ducts lie.[uncertain][VHOG]

UBPROP 0000009

detects angular acceleration

UBPROP 0000012

MA divides this into osseous and duct. In FMA, this is systemically part of the bony labyrinth. Note this is an anatomical space in ZFA. The MA treatment has advantages for representing the neuroepithelium, which should not be part of bone. Also check duct vs canal

depicted by


has related synonym

canalis semicircularis, scc, ductus semicirculares, semicircular ducts




semicircular canal, Semicircular canal, Set of semicircular ducts