subcommissural organ

^ http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/UBERON_0002139

The subcommissural organ is a circumventricular organ consisting of ependymal and hypendymal cells which secrete SCO-spondin[WP,partially vetted]. [ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subcommissural_organ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9579598 ]

Term info

database cross reference
  • MESH:D013351
  • TAO:0000683
  • SCTID:369193006
  • DMBA:16514
  • Wikipedia:Subcommissural_organ
  • BTO:0001820
  • UMLS:C0038533 (BIRNLEX:1028)
  • FMA:72414
  • neuronames:483 (BIRNLEX:1028)
  • BIRNLEX:1028
  • EMAPA:35828
  • DHBA:12101
  • ZFA:0000683
  • CALOHA:TS-0986
  • HBA:9489
  • MA:0002941
  • GAID:794

uberon_slim, pheno_slim, vertebrate_core


Occurs throughout the vertebartes [PMID:9579598, DOI:10.1002/ar.1091260210]. First appears in hagfish(Olsson). In many species, including the human, it reaches its full development during embryonic life[PMID:9579598]. During the course of phyletic evolution, one notes various changes. Indeed, in lower vertebrates, the SCO presents a greater degree of enzyme activity than the ependyma while in birds the ependyma demonstrates a more intense activity than the SCO[PMID:479574] Sometimes preceded by flexural organ[DOI:10.1007/BF00303086]. Hypendymal cells are rare in non-mammals [PMID:9579598].

curator note

Hypendymal cells being part of the subcommissural organ is not axiomatized as it is rare in non-mammals. Consider using GCIs if this axiom needs to be added.

depicted by


has related synonym

cerebral aqueduct subcommissural organ, dorsal subcommissural organ, organum subcommissurale, corpus subcommissurale, SCO




Subcommissural organ

present in taxon
