conducting system of heart

^ http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/UBERON_0002350

The cardiac conduction system consists of specialized cardiomyocytes that regulate the frequency of heart beat[GO]. [ http://amigo.geneontology.org/amigo/term/GO:0003161 ]

Synonyms: heart conduction system, systema conducente cordis, cardiac conducting system, complexus stimulans cordis, impulse conducting system, cardiac impulse conducting system, cardionector, cardiac conduction system

Term info

database cross reference
  • SCTID:281489000
  • EMAPA:35428
  • EV:0100025
  • ZFA:0005063
  • MESH:D006329
  • EFO:0003909
  • TAO:0005063
  • MA:0000094
  • VHOG:0001271
  • EHDAA2:0004185
  • FMA:9476

efo_slim, pheno_slim, vertebrate_core

UBPROP 0000003

The fish heart displays clear polarity of contraction in a posterior-to-anterior direction. The contraction waves originate in the sinus venosus and terminate in the conus arteriosus. The nodal phenotype persists in the inflow region of the heart, varying from the venosinus to the sinoatrial junctional areas in different species . Similar to the mammalian situation, pacemaker tissue with a lower intrinsic rhythmicity is also found at the atrioventricular junction.[uncertain][VHOG]

editor note

EHDAA2 divides the system from the tissue

has related synonym

central conduction system




Conducting system of heart, conducting system of heart