pars distalis of adenohypophysis

^ http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/UBERON_0006964

The distal part of adenohypophysis: the part that makes up the main body of the gland. [ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pars_distalis Dorlands_Medical_Dictionary:MerckSource ]

Synonyms: pars distalis (glandula pituitaria), pars distalis of anterior lobe of pituitary gland, pars glandularis of adenohypophysis, pars distalis adenohypophysis, pars anterior of adenohypophysis, distal part of hypophysis

Term info

database cross reference
  • EMAPA:17515
  • neuronames:410 (BIRNLEX:1022)
  • EHDAA2:0001416
  • BIRNLEX:1022
  • FMA:74630
  • TAO:0001195
  • BTO:0001787
  • ZFA:0001195
  • AAO:0010542
  • EHDAA:7532
  • UMLS:C0175322 (BIRNLEX:1022)
  • VHOG:0000244
  • Wikipedia:Pars_distalis
  • MA:0000854


UBPROP 0000001

The anterior part of the adenohypophysis. [TFD][VHOG], Region of the adenohypophysis which produces the follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone, prolactin, thyrotropin, and adrenocorticotropin.[AAO]

UBPROP 0000003

It (the hypophysis) develops embryonically in all vertebrates from two ectodermal evaginations that meet and unite. An infundibulum grows ventrally from the diencephalon of the brain, and Rathke's pouch extends dorsally from the roof of the developing mouth, or stomodaeum. The infundibulum remains connected to the floor of the diencephalon, which becomes the hypothalamus, and gives rise to the part of the gland known as the neurohypophysis. (...) Rathke's pouch loses its connection with the stomodaeum in most adult vertebrates and gives rise to the rest of the gland, the adenohypophysis. (...) A well-developed hypophyseal system with functional connections to the hypothalamus is unique to craniates.[well established][VHOG]

has related synonym

distal part of the hypophysis, pars distalis lobi anterioris hypophyseos, anterior lobe, pars distalis (hypophysis), pars distalis adenohypophyseos, pars glandularis, pars distalis

has broad synonym

pars anterior, DHP




pars distalis of adenohypophysis, Pars distalis of adenohypophysis