transverse palatine fold

^ http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/UBERON_0008799

Any of the the series of transverse folds (ridges) of the mucosa located on the anterior third part of the secondary (hard) palate of most mammalian species. [ MP:0009652 ]

Synonyms: hard palate palatal rugae, impressiones rugales, palatine fold, transverse palatine folds, plica palatina transversa, palatine rugae, hard palate ruga, ruga of palate, ruga palatina, transverse palatine folds set, transverse palatine ridge, rugae of palate, palatal rugae, rugae palatinae, plicae palatinae transversae

Term info



plural term
palatine rugae [ FMA:75652 ]

plural term
rugae palatinae [ FMA:TA FMA:75652 ]

plural term
transverse palatine folds [ FMA:75652 ]

plural term
transverse palatine folds set [ FMA:75652 ]

UBPROP 0000001

A masticatory vestige on the hard palate; one of several irregular, sometimes branching, crests of soft tissue that radiate from the region of the incisive papillae at their most anterior parts and extend a slight distance backward, crossing the hard palate and reaching laterally for variable distances.

UBPROP 0000010

rugae are present on each side of the median palatal raphe and behind the incisive papillae, but their number and arrangement are species specific; together with the teeth and the tongue, rugae take part in mastication by helping to sense, hold and mash the food; rugae harbor various types of intraepithelial sensory structures (such as Merckel cells, corpuscular endings and free nerve endings), and play a sensory role when the food is pressed by the tongue against the hard palate[MP]

UBPROP 0000012

this class refers to the singular and the FMA class refers to the set. In future this class may be split.

has related synonym

set of transverse palatine folds




Set of transverse palatine folds, transverse palatine fold