nucleus of solitary tract

^ http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/UBERON_0009050

A neural nucleus that is part of the solitary tract nuclear complex. The solitary tract and nucleus are structures in the brainstem that carry and receive visceral sensation and taste from the facial (VII), glossopharyngeal (IX) and vagus (X) cranial nerves. [WP,unvetted]. [ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solitary_nucleus OBOL:automatic ]

Synonyms: solitary tract nucleus, nucleus of tractus solitarius, nucleus tractus solitarii medullae oblongatae, nucleus of the tractus solitarius, solitary nucleus

Term info

database cross reference
  • MESH:D017552
  • EMAPA:35787
  • FMA:256691
  • MBA:651
  • BIRNLEX:1429
  • MA:0001052
  • neuronames:742 (BIRNLEX:1429)
  • BM:Me-NS
  • UMLS:C0175518 (BIRNLEX:1429)
  • HBA:9653
  • Wikipedia:Solitary_nucleus
  • BAMS:Sol
  • NCIT:C13067
  • GAID:593
  • DHBA:12557
  • ncithesaurus:Nucleus_of_the_Solitary_Tract
  • UMLS:C0175518 (ncithesaurus:Solitary_Nucleus)
  • EV:0100288
  • BTO:0003963
depicted by


has related synonym

solitary nuclear complex, nucleus tracti solitarii, nucleus tractus solitarii, nucleus of the solitary tract, nuclei tractus solitarii, solitary nucleus, nucleus solitarius




Nucleus of solitary tract