posterior digastric muscle

^ http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/UBERON_0010944

The posterior digastric is a pharyngeal arch II muscle that participates in oral pharyngeal behavior, is innervated by the digastric branch of facial nerve and attaches to the posterior cranial base and the hyoid apparatus. It is found superficial to the mylohyoid muscle. [ MFMO:0000060 ]

Synonyms: posterior digastric muscle, venter posterior musculus digastrici, digastricus posterior belly, m. digastricus posterior, digastricus, venter caudalis, posterior belly of digastric, digastric, posterior, posterior belly of digastric muscle, digastricus posterior

Term info

database cross reference
  • MFMO:0000060
  • EMAPA:37406 (MA:th)
  • SCTID:141905002
  • FMA:46303
UBPROP 0000001

The posterior digastric is a pharyngeal arch II muscle that participates in oral pharyngeal behavior, is innervated by the digastric branchi of facial nerve and attaches to the posterior cranial base.[FEED]

UBPROP 0000008

in orangutans, this muscle attaches to the mandible rather than the hyoid

has related synonym

posterior digastric




posterior digastric muscle, Posterior belly of digastric