spinalis cervicis muscle

^ http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/UBERON_0011218

Origin: spinous processes of seventh cervical and sometimes two upper thoracic vertebrae; insertion: spinous processes of axis and sometimes of second to fourth cervical vertebrae; innervation: branches of cervical; action: extends vertebral column. [ BTO:0002623 ]

Synonyms: spinal muscle of neck

Term info

database cross reference
  • FMA:22770
  • BTO:0002623
  • SCTID:244864004

The Spinalis cervicis (Spinalis colli) is an inconstant muscle, which arises from the lower part of the ligamentum nuchæ, the spinous process of the seventh cervical, and sometimes from the spinous processes of the first and second thoracic vertebrae, and is inserted into the spinosus process of the axis, and occasionally into the spinous processes of the two vertebrae below it. [Wikipedia:Spinalis#Spinalis_cervivis]

has related synonym

musculus spinalis cervicis




spinalis cervicis muscle

Term relations