CA1 stratum oriens

^ http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/UBERON_0014552

Part of stratum oriens lying in area CA1, superficial to the alveus of CA1 and deep to the pyramidal cell layer of CA1. It is continuous with the stratum oriens of CA2 and bounded by the subiculum. [ BIRNLEX:4116 ]

Synonyms: stratum oriens of the CA1 field, oriens layer of CA1 field, CA1 stratum oriens, CA1 part of stratum oriens

Term info

database cross reference
  • BAMS:so
  • neuronames:2939
  • FMA:277856
  • MBA:399
  • BIRNLEX:4116
  • DMBA:16132
  • PBA:10059



CA1 stratum oriens