Connective tissue nevi

^ http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/HP_0100898

Connective tissue nevi are hamartomas in which one or several components of the dermis is altered. [ HPO:sdoelken ]

Term info

database cross reference
  • MSH:C562737
  • SNOMEDCT_US:400091006
  • UMLS:C0334083
  • SNOMEDCT_US:22858003

Lesions in which collagen predominates are called collagenomas; lesions in which elastin predominates are called elastomas. A nevus mucinosis is a lesion in which an alteration in the amount of dermal glycosaminoglycan is present. The name nevus mucinosis is also used for lesions in which an alteration in more than one dermal component is present. Connective tissue nevi may be solitary or multiple, sporadic or inherited. They may occur as isolated skin lesions, or they may be associated with a number of syndromes.

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Connective tissue nevi are hamartomas in which one or several components of the dermis is altered.



Term relations